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Get the most up-to-date information about orthopedic procedures, obstetrics, Gynecology and therapies related to them. Stay ahead of the curve and avoid becoming sick.

Total Hip Replacement By Dr. Shobhit Bhardwaj

Hip arthroplasty, another name for total hip replacement, is a surgical operation that replaces a diseased or injured hip joint with an …

Sports Injuries: Types, Treatment and Prevention

Sports injuries encompass a wide range of conditions, and among them, sprains and strains top the list as the most common ones. …

Joint replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery entails the full removal of the damaged joint and surrounding tissues in order to make room for a prosthetic …

What are the most common surgeries on the shoulder?

Consider all the many directions you can move your arm: above, behind, to the side, and in front of your body. A …

What is Joint Replacement Surgery?

Patients with extensive end-stage joint disease (often of the knee or hip) who have attempted non-surgical therapy but are still experiencing functional …

PCOS symptoms and treatments?

The most prevalent hormonal condition affecting women of reproductive age—those whose periods start before menopause and continue beyond menopause—is polycystic ovary syndrome …

What could be possible reasons for Rotator Cuff Injury?

The upper arm bone’s head is kept securely inside the small socket of the shoulder by a combination of muscles and tendons …

What is Rotator Cuff Surgery?

Surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff is known as Rotator Cuff Surgery. It most often involves re-attaching the tendon to the …

5 Most Common Gynaecological Problems

A gynaecological condition will affect almost every woman at some point in her life. The majority of instances are minor and manageable, …

Some things you wouldn’t even tell your best friend about, let alone your gynaecologist. However, the truth is that they’ve heard and …

Know about Home remedies for PCOS

Even if you’re taking other treatments for PCOS, these remedies will surely help you in the long run. Exercise regularly You can …

Natural Home Remedies for Knee Pain

1. Try RICE for strains and sprains If you’ve twisted your leg, taken a fall, or otherwise strained or sprained your knee, …

What Are Shoulder Pain Causes and Risk Factors?

Common shoulder injuries: Dislocation. If your shoulder is pulled back too hard or rotated too far, the top of your arm might …